Published onDecember 9, 2024What is cargo expand?RustRust-toolsDev-toolsDevelopmentDeveloper-toolingReveal Rust macros with cargo-expand—a tool to simplify debugging and understand macro expansions in your projects.Read more →
Published onNovember 6, 2024HTML5 Video playsInlineTypeScriptJavaScriptHTML5Web-App-DevelopmentIt turns out that the HTML5 video spec has an important attribute for mobile. Read more to dive into how that can affect your applications on mobile.Read more →
Published onOctober 30, 2024A Minimalist Logger for Cleaner DevelopmentTypeScriptJavaScriptReactTincreSoftwareHate those pesky log messages in your production apps? Here's what we do at Tincre to mangle our logs and more.Read more →
Published onMarch 13, 2024Python Tempfile For LiteLLM and Vertex AIPythonGCPVertex-AITempfileGcloudAuthUse Python's tempfile for saving Google Cloud credentials locally when you call Vertex AI endpoints with LiteLLMRead more →
Published onMarch 12, 2024GCP Authentication With Custom CredentialsPythonGCPVertex-AIAuthenticationGcloudAuthDo you store your application credentials for GCP service accounts on disk? Stop - there's a better way!Read more →